Click here to visit official Apache site. NGINX is the winner, with a market share of 34.1. The company behind NGINX offers a commercial product called NGINX Plus, which has support for a set of extra features regarding load-balancing, media streaming, and monitoring. Kinsta and WordPress are registered trademarks. A web server and a reverse proxy server. There are other reasons playing for NginX. We have also mentioned the winner of each point of comparison at the end of each point. For shared hosting providers, this is a dream because they can provide hundreds of users on the same machine a way to configure how their websites are served, without it affecting the others. Check out our web server showdown! One example of the important role of Apache within the Linux world is that its server process name is HTTPd, making Apache a synonym with web server software. NGINX has some good points in terms of media screaming, in terms of load balancing, in terms of HTTP caches. This preference for file system locations can also be seen in the use of .htaccess files for overriding specific directory configurations. Both are similar speeds. Both are used by large Fortune 500 companies around the globe. This is just at a web server level. It has the ability to process multiple requests concurrently, even with limited resources available. So, we can clearly see, NGINX has a lead over Apache. Apache if configuration is considered; NGiNX if speed is. NGINX is easier for sys-admins to set-up. Market Share by Top Websites. US +1.714.2425683 Flexibility is one of themost important concerns when it comes to a web server. It performs 2.5 times faster than Apache according to a benchmark test running up to 1,000 simultaneous connections. Market Share Vendor ; nginx. I was using Apache in my dedicated VPS server for a long time and had been struggling with performance issues but after reading this article I have decided to switch to nginx as none of the positive points you mentioned for Apache are need by my server for now. By not allowing directory configuration It can serve request faster than Apache. If you like this article please comment and share and if you have some suggestions, we will love to hear the feedback. Thus, its process can handle thousands of connection (requests) within one processing thread. Thanks for the article. These are the key traits that give it the performance edge in our resource-hungry industry. Nginx. Netcraft survey suggests that Apache has been overtaken by Nginx in April 2019. This report shows the usage statistics of Nginx vs. Apache as web server on the web. NginX is easier to configure with docker This process sounds a bit complicated. For any security concern, one can quickly analyze it and fix it. In dynamic content, both are there properly configured, both work like the same. This report shows the usage statistics of Nginx vs. Apache vs. Microsoft-IIS as web server on the web. Hello Robi, we only support Nginx at this time. nginx is leading in Top 10K Sites, Top 100K Sites, Top 1M Sites and The Entire Web. The gap between Apache . Apache is leading in most countries, including United States, Germany, France, United Kingdom and 131 other countries. Apache or Nginx. Can not process dynamic content natively. It is the key component of the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP) stack. The server was first created as a scaling tool for the website in 2002. It's a lightweight and robust web server that is mostly used in hosting high-traffic websites. Apache uses a process-driven approach and creates a new thread for each request. We need it? -, 10 Best Places to Visit in the USA in 2020. So NGiNX is a better option for optimizing the usage of . However, with Apache, you get an advantage to give the non-privileged users control over some important aspects of their website. As a physical resource on the file system location that may need more abstract evaluation. The green bar has started in 2007 and raising continuously. So might be its launch in some coming days. Quick stats: Well dive into Apache first since it was released first. So there was a huge difference and after that, the popularity of NGINX has increased and if we see the graph, we will see after 2015 the growth has been a little bit more increased. Refer to this image for a clear idea: NGINX can serve the dynamic content when used with SCGI handlers and FastCGI module. Being a developer you have to read the documentation if you have to implement that. Apaches huge market share is partly due to the fact that it comes pre-installed with all major Linux distributions, like Red Hat/Centos and Ubuntu. They both can provide a complete web stack, but NGINX is said to support dynamic . So lets talk about the overall. Apache is head-to-head at the moment but declining. Switching to php-fpm makes it possible for Apache to still be a competing solution today, along with eliminating the use of .htaccess, but that kind of defeats its purpose. Back then, many web servers were not able to handle more than . Its a tie! Im getting ready to set up my own dedicated server and this guide has been helpful. Get in touch with us! Its module system allows you to dynamically load or unload modules to satisfy your needs. Customizations to the web server can be done through riding modules. Apache active users are above 100, around 110. How to read the diagram: Nginx is used by 34.2% of all the websites whose web server we know. However, if we only look at the top 1000 best ranking websites, Nginx is ahead by a large margin. In other words, Apache requires more hardware resources for serving the same amount of users. The newest market share research data shows that Apache is slightly ahead of Nginx. Your email address will not be published. Also, check out our Application Hosting and Database Hosting services for more hosting opportunities. Looks like there is little difference. It is mostly used for Unix like systems, and does not completely support Windows. Apache server has a rich set of features that can be enabled by installing one of the 60 official modules. There is nothing of the video part of Apache. Both ot them alleviate many of Apaches performance issues. Walnut, CA, In March 2019, Nginx Inc was acquired by F5 Networks for $670 million. In later years, Apache has developed multi-threaded worker mpm and after that, the event mpm. Using .htaccess files, you can override system-wide settings on a per-directory basis. There are lots of company who is working from the last twenty to thirty years who is using Apache. I guess that old joke that you cant teach an old dog new tricks is partly true. So I am going to explain to you the same thing which server you need to take according to your application. And after going over the benefits, limitations, and differences, you may already have an idea of the best web server for you. Yes, Apache and Nginx can be friends too! Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Talking about Apache vs Nginx Performance: Nginx, if not better, is almost equal when dynamic content processing is considered. It responds to a set number of processes, each of which can serve a single request at a time. Apache Nginx; 1. We hope this end-to-end comparison guide helped you pick out the best web server for you. Both NGINX and Apache are made to accommodate varied workloads and work with diverse software, making a powerful web stack. lol. This is an example of a WordPress website that uses a typical shared hosting setup with cPanel, Apache, and PHP: On the left side, if we expand it, we will also be able to analyze the time of every resource and see its impact on the overall page load time. There is an article on Nginx wiki that compares performance impact: Nginx modules system is one more thing that positions it as a more premium choice. Both the solutions are capable of handling diverse workloads and working with other software to provide a complete web stack. Both Apache and Nginx are polished, well-performing servers. Much like Apache, NGINX is open-source and free to use. Threads are a subset of processes and there can be multiple threads within one process execution. First, the response time and the active users graph built with the Gatling scenario: NGINX active users are just below 100, around 94. NGINX can handle way more traffic. It also runs on several modern Unix-like systems and has some support for Windows, but its Windows performance is not as strong as that of other platforms. Lets see whose configuration is easier and faster. Apache implies a process-driven approach and the NGINX follows an event-driven architecture. A secured cPanel means a secured website. If we talk about the speed and how many clients can be served on a high load, Nginx will always shine as a winner over Apache. In a shared hosting environment, Apache works better because of its .htaccess configuration. Apache is developed and maintained by a large group of developers through the Apache software foundation under the Apache License and still has a good market share. Lets explore how! P.S. Together, they are responsible for serving over 50% of traffic on the internet. Not dynamically loadable. This diagram shows the percentages of websites using the selected technologies broken down by ranking. Accumulation of information, analyzing it, and projecting it the, Hello, welcome back to Let's understand their market share as per the last survey between June 2009 to March 2020 by Netcraft. Apache is the foremost typically used net server application inside the planet. Heres the comparison of the dynamic content request numbers per second. Today we are going to see Plesk Panel vs cPanel. nginx is one of the most well-known alternatives to Apache HTTP Server. Apache: #1 in Market Share. Together, they serve more than 50% of traffic on the web. Sometimes people use combine servers. Even on the fastest of computers, it still takes some time. Your email address will not be published. Introduction. Unless you're getting into the range of 1 million visits/month, you really \shouldn't even be worried about which one to use. While picking between the web, Your email address will not be published. Caching is an essential part of speeding up your WordPress site. When it comes to Apache vs Nginx, the fundamental difference lies in their design architecture. It can make or break your user experience. We'll get back to you in one business day. Besides being the first serious player in the web server market, part of Apaches proliferation is due to its configuration system and its .htaccess file. Static: As far as Static content is concerned, Nginx overpasses Apache. Want to gain some extra tips? Both are extensible through module systems. 3. 2022 Kinsta Inc. All rights reserved. And after going over the benefits, limitations,and differences, you may already have an idea of the best webserver for you. -, Beirut Blast - How did the explosion happen in Lebanon's capital and what was kept there? Nginx, on the other hand, is selected and compiled into the course of the 3rd party plugins. See technologies overview for explanations on the methodologies used in the surveys. But if we will talk about you dont want to invest in the support system so you can move also with the Apache. The MPMs (Multi-Processing Modules) provides a flexible architecture for choosing different connections and different handling algorithms. 1 nginx has better usage coverage in more websites categories. Including Computers Electronics & Technology, Science & Education, Arts & Entertainment, Health and 19 other categories. It has shown some remarkable growth in the year 2018. They say Nginx is better when it comes to processing static content, lets see if thats true! Nginx and Apache are the two leading web servers in the market that handle more than half of the Internet traffic these days. Apache and Nginx are the two most common open source web servers in the world. In other words, Apache creates a new thread every time to handle each connection request. . For each of these resources, Apache has to traverse its entire tree to look for the configuration. NGINX does those a few things and does them 50 times faster than Apache. For high traffic websites, it can lead to bottlenecks and connection drops. For a limited time, your first $20 is on us. Optimization with our built-in Application Performance Monitoring. In our tests with our specific hardware/software stack, Nginx performed the best. So, it can handle your creeds itself. In these cases, it can cache static content without the need to fetch it from the protected, origin server every time. At Kinsta, we use Nginx as part of our performance-optimized hosting solutions for WordPress and WooCommerce. The official list of modules that come as part of Apache standard distribution is here and these include things from compression, encryption, logging, redirections to more advanced things like editing requests and responses with advanced syntax. Todays topic is Apache vs NGINX Performance, Market Share, Flexibility and more. . Modules are dynamically loaded or unloaded making it more flexible. Heres what you should know about Nginx server: Both Apache and Nginx are the most common web server for Linux. Required fields are marked *. They have launched something like that but its not much time there. You can find complete breakdown reports of web servers in our web servers market reports. Lets move on to the second point which is security. There they support you officially by the official, so if well talk about the have money and you are going interested in taking the good support so you can directly approach to NGINX Plus plan and go ahead. You already have it prepared and you hand it to them without any waiting. Nowadays, it still is in that market position but mostly for legacy reasons. The visitor still needs to wait for the PHP process to execute the entire WordPress call stack to create the database query and give it to MySQL to assemble the web page and send it to the visitor. Request an extensive market report of specific web servers. How the graph is raising offing if youll see the green bar. 1 According to Netcraft's statistics, Nginx is now leading with just over one-third of the market, at 33.8%. Before starting lets quickly go through their market share. Nginx is the most popular web server among high traffic sites, with a market share of 58.4% among the top 10,000 sites. CAPTION: The blue line here from google Trends represents searches for Apache since 2004, while the red line relates to Nginx. Apache, in general, has more support from third-party projects simply because of its market share and the length of time it has been available. NGINX also has a list of recent security advisories. So in the shared servers or web servers still you will get Apache. You have to decide a time and one level at the root level right now. But you get those are the freelancers or the free open-source community has made some videos over YouTube. In flexibility, there Apache hits. Static content or files are typically files stored on disk on the server computer, for example, CSS files, JavaScripts files or images. Log in to MyKinsta. Whereas Apache 2.4 (new apache) is configured to use mpm_event, php-fpm. Experience counts. Prefork module comes with Apache as the default module. Debian-based distributions have commands that allow enabling and disabling these modules without having to edit any configuration files: a2enmod and a2dismod. There are two different stories behind the popularity: the name . NGINX does not support something like the Apaches .htaccess file. Then there is the matter of dynamic cache or page cache. 100% Magento Goodness, a promise! 1 nginx is leading in Top 10K Sites, Top 100K Sites, Top 1M Sites and The Entire Web. The biggest difference between Apache and Nginx is in the underlying architecture of the way they handle requests. The Apache has approximately or you can say 53% where NGINX hadnt started that time in 2017. Apache also follows a multi-threaded model. There is no need to create new threads or processes for each connection. Founded more than two decades ago, Apache is a ubiquitous name in the industry and has had the largest market share since 1996. The main difference between Apache and NGINX lies in their design architecture. If you were planning to make a shared hosting and you want to launch multiple websites and you are to be able to separate modules according to the website in the same server so you must move with an Apache. We are only focusing on the Apache and the NGINX, how massive growth of NGINX is going on. So there were thousand requests content processes have been done at the same time and Apache has handled just only four hundred while NGINX handles all thousands. Apache was released first in 1995, then came Nginx in 2004. In this post, we will see the main user case, similarity, and the difference between Nginx vs Apache. of static content requests processed per second. So just subscribe. Let's take a trip down Memory Lane and check how the web server market looked twenty years ago: Apache - 60% Microsoft - 27% Sun Technologies - 3% Nginx stepped into the stage around 2007.At that time, Apache was still sitting comfortably on top, with a 49% market share.Still, the Nginx developers wasted no time. If we choose any particular resource and its Headers tab, we will usually see the server information. Test a deployment on our modern App Hosting. For dynamic content, for example, Php files, Nginx reverse proxy server will proxy their request to Apache which can then process their results and return their rendered page. At Kinsta, we use Nginx for dynamic WordPress caching, along with a proprietary caching plugin that allows granular control over pages cached, and static assets cached by Kinsta CDN. Related Read: How to Install Apache Web Server on Ubuntu 20.04. Old school Apache (2.2) uses mpm_worker, mpm_prefork, and mod_php. Nothing surprising about the active users, given the result we already had. 33.61% . Disadvantage of NGINX: Has less support from developer community and documentation as compared to Apache. It provides a variety of multiple processing modules. Market position. This is why most of the web developers prefer Nginxover Apache. Apache server is meant to offer great support to all of its users. In short, Apache uses processes for every connection (and with worker mpm it uses threads). Apache was launched back in 1995, whereas Nginx is relatively newer since it was launched in 2004. . The server is developed and maintained by an open community of developers under ASF. Apache HTTP Server is one of the most well-known alternatives to nginx. Whereas NGINX uses an event-driven architecture to handle multiple requests within one thread. This takes advantage of Nginx fast processing speed and ability to establish large no, of connection simultaneously. Apache uses .htaccess for its configuration. It means they differ in the actual way they handle connections and traffic and respond to different traffic conditions. In this guide, you will learn how to install the nginx is leading in Japan, Russia, China, Ukraine and 27 other countries. My quick question (im a beginner), i want to develop restaurant food-ordering mobile apps, is Nginx better or Apache a better solution for this? It, on the other hand, has a downside. As Owen Garrett, Nginx project manager said: Nginx was written specifically to address the performance limitations of Apache web servers.. Thread: A thread is the smallest sequence of programmed instructions that can be managed independently by a scheduler. It also restricts connections to HTTP/1. NGINX uses less memory than Apache, which is essential for high-traffic websites. How to Completely Force Logout of All Users in WordPress? You can read Linus Torvalds elaborating the differences. Nginx and Apache are popular web servers used to deliver web pages to a users browser. This module, used with mod_php, meant that Apache server embedded a PHP interpreter in every single process, even if it had to serve CSS files or images. You have just one configuration on the global configuration which can be done. In a small system, it is easier to search through, analyze, and understand code. For file system directory, instead passes their URI itself. Nginx market share has been steadily growing for years. Nginx clearly surpasses Apache here! So here the good points if you have that much traffic like you want to make a website which is stream video, you have huge traffic and you need to load balancers, or like simultaneous servers, so you can go with the NGINX. It then needs to process these files and reconfigure itself for each of the directories configured in this way. IIS vs Apache vs NGINX: IIS web server. That type of content is called dynamic content. If we talk about the over length, we have discussed these six points. This diagram shows the percentages of websites using the selected technologies. Or, create an account for $20 off your first month of Application Hosting and Database Hosting. For static connections, Nginx will serve the files quickly to the clients. And avoiding stupid coding stuff. migration to nginx is a bit more challenging. Stay updated with new stuff in the Magento ecosystem including exclusive deals, how-to articles, new modules, and more. And in most cases, Nginx wins by a fair amount for the 500/100. Ive been using Apache for so many years, its crazy. Apache is being developed and maintained by the Apache Foundation, under the Apache license. Nginx was created to be both a web server and a reverse proxy server. LiteSpeed Web Server. Apache makes sure that all the website that runs on its server are safe from any harm and hackers. While Apache and Nginx share many qualities, they are different in many areas. However, it somewhat works in its favor and makes Nginx faster. Review Signal has released their 2019 hosting performance benchmarks. Documentation is very important if we talk about the servers because here nobody is going to help you. Seems like Nginx has won because of its quicker interpretation and response. Who uses nginx? Software like Nginx vs Apache handle requests, analyze them, and then hand back the corresponding documents to be viewed in a visitors browser. So, today we are going to compare these two big players - Apache Vs NGINX at the following 7 points: 1. You get the latest updates regarding our latest article. It is considered much more secure than Apache server as arbitrary components can be hooked in the server. The Apache has approximately or you can say 53% where NGINX hadn't started that time in 2017. Nginx serves the static resources without PHP having to know about this. However, it works in your favour as this increases the performance. First and foremost, Apache's claim to fame is that it's the most popular web server in the world. They also provide a certification in particular this. What are their key benefits and limitations? Their different methods make them unique and also make one a bit better than the other. To compare this to Apache equivalents, you should know that Apache has mod_cache module which reportedly tends to be glitchy, conflicting with other modules. 6,105,440 . The top alternatives for Apache web-and-application-servers tool are Nginx with 38.95%, OpenResty with 14.58%, Apache HTTP Server with 13.40% market share. , images configured, both work like the same thing which server is the files! Modules make it lighter, smarter and better web server comes from the last point which is best Systems ( e.g., Linux or BSD ) and has full support for QUIC and. Insightful and detailed article visitors, the event mpm goes a bit further in terms of market share Lighttpd. A flexible architecture for choosing different connections and different handling algorithms inquiries about Nginx Apache better. An easy question to answer the C10K problem, Apache has had dynamic module system allows you to have support. Shows the percentages of websites using the selected technologies needs to process these files and reconfigure itself for each hit Server on Ubuntu 20.04 with our experts by launching a chat in the server information processes each In the server is apache vs nginx market share best web server for you post: -, France, United and! 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