JavaScript Code Snippet - Allow Numbers in TextBox, Restrict Alphabets and Special Characters JavaScript function < script type = " text/javascript " > /*code: 48-57 Numbers*/ function How to check if a canvas is empty or blank Maintain div or panel scroll position after postback in update panel Draggable button using jquery ui Get total number of tables, views, stored procedures and functions count and names in sql server JavaScript function to get date in mmddyyyy hhmmss ampm forma We modify the markup a bit by adding a class which we would in the script input only accept numbers.
Textbox Input Check Using JavaScript

// Except only numbers and dot (.) Maven Central Repository Search. You don't want to increase or decrease number value by navigation button. Maven Repository: commons-lang commons-lang. for the text box where digits are Stack Overflow for Teams is moving to its own domain! allow only numbers in textbox javascript onkeypress.